blog blog blog!

Its not tuesday evening, i know i havent been very active lately with my blog.
My parents were here all week last week. I took the bus up to Seattle last friday to meet them there. The first moment I met them was amazing, after not seeing each other for 10 months! It was great! Even tho have havent seen each other for sucha a long time, after about about an hour it felt like we had never been apart.  We enjoyed alot of nice moments while they have been here, we have been doing car cruising, shopping and lots and lots of sightseeing! i miss them a lot already but all I can do is look forward to the next time I see them.

Here are some pictures taken last week!

the view from the ferry we took to one of the nearby islands.


This picture shows a restaurant in Seattle where you were actually suppose to buy regular fast food but then feed the birds. The sign said  "dont be afraid of overfeeding the birds"

We drove all the way from Wasington to Montana one day, it took about an hour.

the coolest coca cola bottle i have ever experienced! So round!

Time to jump in the shower!
c ya!


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