Dayton, Ohio

Day 5 on our road trip. We arrived in the southern part of Dayton yesterday at around eight. The sun was just setting. I like Dayton!

We havent really seen much yet. But I have to say the more southern we get! The more it feels comforting! People seem more relaxed, they take time to do things. We went out to dinner almost as soon as we came here. Well after the boys, Patrick and I went to the pool. Which also has gotten to be like a little routine we have made ever since we hit the road, meaning. Every hotel " has to have" a pool, which we will jump in before dinner time.

Patrick and the boys went to visit Patricks aunt and uncle here in Dayton this morning. I got the time to relax, and just take care of myself!:)

We have taken lots of pictures but no pictures has been downloaded onto the computer yet! but they will be soon!

the time is getting close to eleven, its time to get off.
I will talk to u soon!
Kram Lina


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